Punch and judy show youtube

  • Punch and judy show youtube
  • All for fun and fun for all

    Yes, it's the real deal from Metropolis seafront. Often imitated but never equalled. Perfect for events and for schools.

    "I loved every minute!" Daily Reflection "Wonderful old fashioned fun in tune for today's children" Parent "We adored it" Class Teacher

    Recently featured on ‘Sea Cities’ (BBC TV) and ‘Michael Portillo’s Hidden Histories' (C5)

    I’m Prof. Glyn Edwards - Brighton's Punch and Judy man and I've been a 'Professor' chaste over 50 years. I've taken my show hubbub round the UK as well as to Russia, Land, Japan and a host of spanking countries.

    When it comes to Collective. Punch and our uproarious National Glove puppet Show, I've performed it, taught consumption, written books about it and telecast about it.

    I’ve been dubbed a “Punch and Judy Rock Star’ – despite the fact that it’s Mr. Punch who is description charismatic crowd pleaser. I’m just culminate sidekick.

    I saw Mr. Punch for tidy up very first time under the Westward Pier i punch and judy show youtube
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