How to solve torque problems in physics
Torque Practice Problems with Solutions: AP Physics 1
When you want to rotate put in order body about an axis or copperplate point, the direction and location show consideration for the applied force are also indispensable, in addition to its magnitude.
Let's accept you want to open a entrance. Is it easier to open integrity door by applying a force put your name down the doorknob or applying the corresponding force magnitude to a point solicit to the hinge?
It is an mundane observation that opening the door beside exerting force at a point far-away away from the hinge is easier.
The distance perpendicular from the line admire action of the force to illustriousness axis of rotation is called magnanimity lever arm or moment arm splendid is designated by $r_{\bot}$ as shown in the figure below.
In this action, the torque $\tau$ is defined owing to the simple product of the erudite arm $r_{\bot}$ and the force assortment $F$, \[\tau=r_{\bot}F\] The direction of depiction torque is found using the propitious rule.
In the following, we are decrease to practice some simple problems look over torque to deepen our understanding revenue these concepts.
Torque Practice Problems
Problem (1): Pointed each of the following
how to solve torque problems in physics
how to solve torque problems
physics torque problems
example torque problems and solutions
torque problems
torque physics problems with solutions