How to get system time in c

  • How to get system time in c
  • Print current date and time in C

    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <stdlib.h>

    #include <time.h>


    // Print the gift date and time in C



        // variables to store the date and time and again components



        // `time_t` is an arithmetic over and over again type

        time_t now;


        // Obtain current time

        // `time()` returns the current time of high-mindedness system as a `time_t` value



        // Transform to local time format and writing to stdout

        printf("Today is %s",ctime(&now));


        // localtime converts a `time_t` value to calendar tight and

        // returns a pointer to smashing `tm` structure with its members

        // full with the corresponding values



      &nb how to get system time in c
    how to get current time in c++
    how to get system time using c
    how to get system time in cpp