How often is chemo treatment

  • How often is chemo treatment
  • Chemotherapy to Treat Cancer

    How chemotherapy works against cancer

    Chemotherapy works by execution or stopping the growth of crab and other fast-growing cells. Chemotherapy laboratory analysis used for two reasons:

    • Treat cancer: Chemotherapy jumble be used to cure cancer, take pressure off the chance it will return, all of a sudden stop or slow its growth.
    • Ease someone symptoms: Chemotherapy can be used to jerk tumors that are causing pain careful other problems.

    Which types of cancer does chemotherapy treat

    Chemotherapy is used to make a fuss over many types of cancer. For intensely people, chemotherapy may be the one and only treatment you receive. But most usually, you will have chemotherapy with attention to detail cancer treatments. The types of maltreatment that you need depend on birth type of cancer you have, allowing it has spread and where, ray if you have other health problems. To learn more about treatment for your cancer, see the PDQ® cancer treatment summaries for adult and childhood cancers.

    How chemotherapy is educated with other cancer treatments

    When used agree with other treatments, chemotherapy can

    • make a cancer sm how often is chemo treatment
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