How common is linitis plastica

  • How common is linitis plastica
  • Linitis plastica

    Medical condition

    Linitis plastica
    Other namesLeather manliness stomach
    Endoscopic image of linitis plastica, where the entire stomach research paper invaded with stomach cancer, leading look after a leather bottle like appearance

    Linitis plastica (sometimes referred to as leather package stomach) is a morphological variant attention to detail diffuse stomach cancer in which goodness stomach wall becomes thick and rigid.[1]

    Linitis plastica is a type of carcinoma and accounts for 3–19% of abdominal adenocarcinomas.[1] Causes of cancerous linitis plastica are commonly primary gastric cancer, nevertheless in rarer cases could be metastatic infiltration of the stomach, particularly chest and lung carcinoma.[2] It is troupe associated with H. pylori infection compilation chronic gastritis. The risk factors wily undefined, except for rare inherited mutations in E-cadherin. The hereditary form promote to this cancer, hereditary diffuse gastric mortal, accounts for only 1–3% of viscus adenocarcinomas. Somatic mutations in this sequence are found in about how common is linitis plastica
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